GraphicRiver Get Minimal - Brochure 01

GraphicRiver Get Minimal - Brochure 01
InDesign INDD | Print Dimensions: 15x21 inch | 26.5 Mb

It's time to get minimal! Completely editable INDD document, you can change colors, positions and typefaces. Project features paging, color variations and font styles. All different page layouts.
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GraphicRiver Modern Magazine InDesign template

GraphicRiver Modern Magazine InDesign template
InDesign INDD | Print Dimensions: 8.27x11.69 inch | 22 Mb

Modern Magazine is a clean and professional magazine template for InDesign CS5 and 4. The design style is minimal and great care is taken to ensure every element and detail looks right. The template includes 12 master pages for articles, interviews, galleries and showcases. Extensive object, paragraph and character styles are defined to provide flexibility for customization.
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GraphicRiver Modern Resume Template

GraphicRiver Modern Resume Template
Photoshop PSD, AI Illustrator | Print Dimensions: 4.25x6.25 inch | 20 Mb

This modern resume template is designed to make you stand out amongst the competition. Employers receive thousands of resumes per day, use our new and innovative resume design to be sure to make an impact.
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GraphicRiver Superstar Saturdays Party Flyer

GraphicRiver Superstar Saturdays Party Flyer
Photoshop PSD | Print Dimensions: 4.25x6.25 inch | 202.3 Mb

Flashy, sleek and trendy flyer to simple edit for any event or party. Layers and folders very, very well organized and labeled.
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Женский привычка чтобы фотошопа - Гордая славянка

Женский обычай с целью фотошопа - Гордая славянка
PSD | 2480Х3508 | 300dpi | 65.39 Mb
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GraphicRiver Professional Resume/CV

GraphicRiver Professional Resume/CV
Photoshop PSD, InDesign INDD | Print Dimensions: 8.5x11 inch | 101.9 Mb

The perfect way to make the best impression. Strong typographic structure including baseline grid and image alignment to body text 'f' height. Very easy to use and customise, extensive help file included. Complete Resume/CV template including 2-page Resume, Cover Letter and Mini-Portfolio. Includes both InDesign and Photoshop files in International A4 and US/Canada Letter sizes.
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Карманные календарики в 2013 год - Волшебная искусство Винкс

Карманные календарики для 2013 год - Волшебная искусство Винкс
В архиве 6 календариков размером 7х10 см (с Блум, Стеллой, Флорой, Текной, Музой да Лейлой) + календарная сетка для 2013 год для русском, украинском да английском.
7 PSD | 827x1181 | 7х10 см | 300 dpi | архив RAR | 73,6 Mb
Автор: Lady Marisa
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Рамка на фото - Шла зима сообразно лесу белыми следами

Рамка к фото - Шла зима до лесу белыми следами
PSD PNG | 2609 x 3504 | 300 dpi | 114,6 Mb
Автор: nataika355
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Новогодний клипарт на фотошоп - Композиции со свечами, ветками ели, подарками

Новогодний клипарт на фотошоп - Композиции со свечами, ветками ели, подарками
Элементы композиций на PSD файле в разных слоях
PSD, многослойный, 6 PNG | 2000x2000 | 300 dpi | 104,42 MB
Автор: Koaress
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 Рамка к фото - в течение объятиях тигра

Рамка на фото - в течение объятиях тигра
PSD | 1600x1200 | 300 dpi | 21 мб.
Автор: Alexey84
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